
Om Swastiastu (it’s a Balinese welcome greeting, means: May the God Almighty Bless Us All),

Welcome to my blog! There is an Indonesian proverb, saying: tak kenal, maka tak sayang (literally means: to like something/ someone, you have to know it/ him/ her first), through this page I hope you will catch what this blog is about. Then, it is up to you either you will like it or not (who am I to force you to like my blog?).

I will blog everything related to culture, food, writings, nice photos, and many other things (including our struggle to cure my husband advanced prostate cancer that has spread to the bones). My blog has 6 categories: culture, husband’s cancer, life, snapshots, musings and uncategorized, because, frankly, it would be difficult for me to classify it.

Let’s say, this blog is about parts, when they are assembled, create thing I call life .

What’s more, blogging can excuse my egocentric side as it will be camouflaged in a productive way with a bonus that the bits and pieces of my life will not be forgotten.

I am living in Denpasar city (Bali Island), a place where tradition and modernity cramped together, but miraculously I survive. I work for the Government (OK. Don’t start thinking of things irritate your life and blame me for that), enjoy cooking but always try as much not to spend more than an hour in the kitchen, like to capture beautiful scene, using iPad-most of the time (eg. my daughters, blooming flowers, butterflies and bugs, nice scenery, or the dog while drinking right from the tub with his two paws dipping in). I do sport (granny-style, walk on treadmill) twice a week for 30 minutes (or less) depends to my emotional state.

Your visit/ nice comment/ like/ follow for my blog will make my day. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog.

Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om (May Peace will always be with us)

Ida Ayu Indah


66 thoughts on “About

    • Salam kenal juga Mangde (bener ya, panggilannya itu?). A compliment from someone who’s studying in the UK with a scholarship :). Do I have to tell you, your English must be excellent, too? Anyway, Mangde. Thank you!


  1. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! My link is


    These are the rules:
    The Liebster Award is awarded to bloggers with under 200 followers to try to promote their blog a little and also bring together a community of bloggers. The rules of the competition are as follows:
    The nominated user must provide a link bank to the person who nominated them.
    Provide 11 facts about yourself.
    Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
    Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.


  2. Greetings from India. How fascinating to know you too use the word OM in your greetings. I would surely like to study a little more of your beautiful culture from your blog. Good to meet you!
    Om Shanti!


  3. Pingback: The Balinese and the Sea | indahs: travel story & photography

  4. “Bits and pieces of life to be (not) forgotten” Oh the magical powers of writing and blogging– preserving memories and sharing experiences another might not experience firsthand. Keep it up 🙂


  5. Om swastyastu Dayu, (boleh saya panggil Mbo meski kasta saya lebih di bawah? 🙂 terima kasih atas follow nya. Senang sekali bertemu saudari dari Bali. Blognya keren Mbo 🙂 Salam kenal. Rahajeng warsa anyar caka 1937. Om santhi santhi shanti Om 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Awards: Liebster Award | The Food Blog

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